Luke4:18 Ministries Donations

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This is a full-time job for us. We are supported solely by donations given to the ministry by people such as yourself and our Lighthouse Cafe sales. It is God's grace and your gifts that make this possible. We live utterly by faith as we are not backed by any denomination or organization. We daily look to God to meet our needs to fulfill the vision He has given us. The Lord has people like you and a few churches that are currently supporting this work. We are believing for an increase in steady monthly supporters so we can do even more for the Lord this year.501(C)3 noprofit

If this ministry is blessing you in any way, please pray about how the Lord might lead you to give to this work. The Internet is one of the most cost-effective means of getting out the gospel in the shortest period of time. However, it takes hours of work to make this possible. Hiring additional trained technicians would expedite the work on the site. If the Lord leads you to give, remember no offering is too small. Even .00 or .00 will help. A little with God becomes a lot. Thank you so much.

4919 Hudson Bend Rd
Austin Tx 78734

Our biggest need is to have people stand with us in prayer. We need those who will pray daily for us. If you would be willing to become a Prayer Partner please sign up at the link listed at the bottom of this letter. Below is a list of some things you can agree in prayer about with us.
We also need regular financial supporters. We live by faith and the offerings of people whom the Lord speaks to give to us. All staff are volunteers. Your donations are tax deductible as LUKE4:18 MINISTRIES is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. You can mail an offering to:
203 Rolling Green, Austin, Texas 78734. Your gift
will be spent in such a way as to bring honor to the name of the Lord.

Lighthouse is Shining!