The Prayer Room

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Welcome To Lighthouse Prayer Room

The purpose of this prayer room is to provide a place for anyone needing prayer to receive. This is a forum for the online community to stand together in lifting each other up in prayer. Our goal is to see an army of intercessors from every corner of the world and from every denomination, mobilized to pray over the needs of all who come seeking prayer.
We pray that this Prayer Room will be a blessing to you.

The Lighthouse
4919 Hudson Bend Rd.
Austin Tx 78734
(512) 266-2900

The Prayer Room

A Word from The Lord!

To realize your true self, you must let go of fear. You must tell the truth in all things, and you will transcend even your greatest imaginings of who you are!

"Message for the Heart"

So set your eyes on Jesus,
And go to Him in prayer,
Because when all else fails,
Our Lord is always there!

Love Jesus
Just call the name of Jesus,
And worship at His feet,
Because when all else fails,
God's love for you runs deep.

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall
live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall
never die. Do you believe this?'"
John 11:25-26

Let The Lighthouse Shine!
The Lighthouse
Luke4:18 Ministries
4919 Hudson Bend Rd.
Austin Tx 78734
(512) 266-2900